The 2021 Signable Round Up

As the year draws to a close, we like to reflect on all the amazing changes, integrations, donations & awards that have happened over 2021. It’s been a rollercoaster of a year, and there have been many changes. Thank you for joining us on another year around the sun with Signable! There is a lot more to come.
Our company has scaled massively – we’ve welcomed 11 new employees to our Signable family. To keep up with the growth of our platform, these recruits were essential, and they brought countless new fresh ideas and perspectives. A lot happened, so let’s get straight into it.
Signables sustainability moved into the focus
COP26 in November was eventful, to say the least, and compared to previous years, many of the global representatives seemed to be on the same page about what we need to aim for.
The looming pressure of rising temperatures has ignited most countries’ fire for change, but some countries were more willing to enact radical changes than others.
As with thousands of other companies across the globe, it gave us a chance to reflect on how much we really do for sustainability.
How is Signable helping to remove carbon emissions?
At Signable, we contribute 1% of our revenue monthly to Stripe Climate to remove carbon.
We proudly donated £17,500 towards carbon capture in 2021.

Removing CO₂ from the atmosphere is critical to counteract climate change, but it needs investment.
Donations like ours help fund initiatives such as Climeworks, which use renewable geothermal energy and waste heat to capture CO₂ directly from the air, concentrate it, and permanently sequester it underground in basaltic rock formations with Carbfix. Climeworks will remove 322 tons of CO₂ on behalf of Stripe Climate businesses.

We are proud to be one of the early adopters of Stripe Climate, enabling us to invest in carbon capture technologies. Our investment allows them to lower their costs and scale up quickly – working towards making carbon removal accessible for even more companies in the future.
‘What we can do for the Earth?’ is a critical question that shapes our business decisions.
We hope to improve our contribution towards sustainable initiatives over the next few years to come.
So, what happened to our platform over the last year?
This year, we have been hard at work applying a myriad of changes to make your Signable experience the best it can be.
Google Drive Integration
Our first integration of the year launched in January this year. The Google Drive integration went down a treat. With the Signable Google Drive integration in place, you can automatically transfer completed electronic signature documents from your Signable account straight into Google Drive.
Google Docs Integration:
This was an update that our product team proudly worked tirelessly to implement – so hats off to them!
The proof is in the pudding with this integration, as it allows for users to minimise platforms necessary when signing documents.
With Signable’s Google Docs integration, you can quickly create documents to be signed on your Google Doc, and have the ability to send straight from there to the recipients Signable account.
We have created a handy help video too, check it out and visit our dedicated Google Docs Integration page.
Billing Page Update
We gave our billing page a facelift, changing its layout to a more user friendly version. Our new, more user-friendly version streamlines processes. It allows users to navigate their billing options, to apply overages or upgrade plans more efficiently than ever.

Multi-currency options
We introduced a pivotal update for billing, expanding our services to more regions than ever. Multi-currency (EUR & USD) support was implemented, increasing payment options for customers. We now have three currency support modes: GBP, EUR & USD, with many more expected in the future.
Zapier Beta Integration
Our Zapier integration allows customers to connect Signable to thousands of other applications. It is massively flexible and can be very powerful, but best of all, you don’t need to be a developer to use it!
Our integration is still in ‘beta’ (or ‘testing’ for the non-techies out there), which means we need you to test it out and let us know what you think!
That’s not all – plenty of usability updates happened in the web platform, as well as plenty of security, infrastructure, and behind the scenes work to help pave the way for lots more improvements next year!
We won awards at Signable!
There was really no shortage of awards that we very thankfully received this year. In line with our company’s goals and values, we really put an emphasis on becoming a Great Place To Work®.
Innovatech award for UK E-Signature platform of the Year for 2022
The Innovatech independent awards program recognises, rewards, and celebrates the very best in technological innovation and business. This award means that we have been recognised as a SAAS company with amazing customer Satisfaction, Good standing with known suppliers, Completion of our online criteria form, A Web Presence User feedback with a strong focus on exceptional service. We are over the moon to have been announced as the winner for 2022!
Capterra’s top software solutions for 2021
Signable’s was selected as one of Capterra’s 10 most-wanted software to help all businesses in 2021. As the only electronic signature provider in the list we felt very proud!
Finalists for Bristol Life Awards tech and innovation category

Tech Spark (Sparkies) award for Best Scale-up
The Sparkies celebrated the best startups, designs, hardware, people and more!
We were certified as a Great Place to Work in Tech®:
Signable was in the small business category for the Great Place to Work® in Tech list for 2021, being only one of two Bristol companies to make it into the list for 2021.
Final word
All things considered, we are very pleased with how 2021 turned out. We aim to make even larger strides in winning awards and updating our platform in 2022 – we hope you can join us for the ride!
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