Top 6 Automation Tools to Streamline Your Workflows in 2024

Top 6 Automation Tools to Streamline Your Workflows in 2024

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If you have a business in the digital space, chances are you’ve found yourself overwhelmed with the number of manual tasks involved day-to-day. From outreach and marketing campaigns to managing customer journeys and contact information, there’s much to consider. 

There is however a simple way to speed up your workflows and improve efficiency within your organisation: invest in automation software. Automation tools allow you to create workflows that will automatically complete tasks for you, streamlining your processes, reducing costs and increasing productivity. 

Here are 6 of the best automation software to streamline your workflows in 2024.

Why Should You Use Automation Software?

With 94% of workers claiming to perform repetitive, time consuming tasks, it’s no wonder 76% of businesses have chosen automation tools for standardising or automating daily workflows.

While automation software may seem intimidating at first, don’t get overwhelmed by the technical features. The software listed below made the cut not only because they’re fantastic workflow automation tools, but because they’re easy to use and will help your business with the following: 

Saving time – By automating tasks, you can free up time to focus on more important aspects of the business.

Improving consistency – Standardising your business processes through automation software ensures everything runs smoothly with no hiccups.

Tracking real-time data – Most workflow automation software provides real-time data and analytics, helping you make better decisions and gain a competitive advantage. 

Reducing human error – Human error can account for many delays and missed opportunities. Automation keeps these errors in check. 

Types of Automation Software

There are a number of different types of automation tools on the market. Some of the most popular ones are:

1. Business process & workflow automation software

These tools do what they say on the tin – automate workflows and processes, such as procurement, invoicing and HR. They usually include features such as automated triggers and notifications, and often can be integrated with other apps.

2. Task management software

Task management tools track, assign and manage tasks. This software typically includes features such as to-do lists, calendars, project management tools, and collaboration options.

3. Marketing automation software

This type of software automates marketing processes, such as email marketing, lead generation, and social media scheduling. It can help businesses track leads, automate communication and create personalised marketing campaigns. 

Top 6 Automation software in 2024

When shopping around for software, keep in mind the automation features you need for your business. Some options may be more complex (and pricey) than you are looking for, and some might just tick all the boxes. Keep an open mind and begin by considering these top 5 automation tools on the market. 

1. Signable

A screenshot of Signable's user dashboard. Automation software

Capterra rating: 4.8

Trustpilot rating: 4.8

Price: PAYG £1.50 

Signable is a leading electronic signature platform that offers online document management and easy electronic signing. Signable integrates directly with popular tools including Zapier, Google Drive and Dropbox, allowing you to work seamlessly across multiple platforms. 

The user-friendly drag-and-drop builder allows you to turn your existing PDFs and Word Docs into e-sign documents. No more wasting time (and money) chasing signatures manually. What’s more, with Signable’s auto-reminders, you can automatically remind your signers to take action, leaving you to handle the more important things. 

With access to features such as unlimited users, document tracking, and the ability to create custom teams in your Signable account, switching to Signable is a no-brainer for businesses looking to automate their document signing process. 

PAYG plans cost as little as £1.50 per envelope, with flexible business plans ranging from Small (£25 + VAT / month) to Corporate (£239 + VAT / month) and even bespoke. 

Get started with a 14-day free trial.

2. ClickUp

Screenshot of clickup's task manager automation software

Capterra rating: 4.7

Trustpilot rating: 3.6

Price: Free for personal use 

ClickUp is an all-in-one productivity platform that allows you to plan, track and collaborate on any project. This task management software is popular with businesses of all sizes and creates the ideal workflow for you and your team.

In just a few clicks, you can assign tasks and subtasks to your team members, set deadlines and track progress, all in one easy-to-manage space. If you’re looking to automate planning your workload, ClickUp can help you deliver that work more effectively. 

The software is free for personal use and ranges from $5 per user, per month for small businesses, through to $19 per user, per month for multiple teams. 

3. Slack

Screenshot of Slack interface

Capterra rating: 4.7

Trustpilot rating: 2.9

Price: Free for small teams with limited features

Slack provides a centralised platform for messaging, file sharing, and collaboration. While it’s primarily known for its instant messaging capabilities, Slack also offers powerful automation features through integrations with third-party apps and custom workflows.

With Slack, you can automate routine tasks, streamline communication channels, and boost productivity across your organisation. By connecting Slack with other tools such as project management software, CRM systems, or task automation platforms, you can create seamless workflows that eliminate manual work and reduce errors.

While Slack offers a free version for small teams, businesses looking for advanced features like unlimited message history, app integrations, and enhanced security can opt for paid plans starting from £5.75 per user, per month.

4. Zapier

Zapier automation software screenshot

Capterra rating: 4.7

Trustpilot rating: 2.3

Price: Free for individuals

Zapier is a workflow automation platform that works by connecting the apps you use every day. Think of it like a middle man, linking and synchronising apps so that recurring processes can happen automatically. 

While it sounds complex, Zapier’s platform allows you to integrate all your favourite tools without having to build this function yourself using code. Instead, this is done via “zaps”; automated workflows which connect your apps and services together. Each zap consists of a trigger and one or more actions. When the trigger occurs, the action(s) will be fulfilled. 

The software is free for individuals although you only have access to 100 tasks per month. For a Small Team, prices start from £323.26 per month and for a Company plan, expect to pay £647.33 per month. 

5. HubSpot

Screenshot of HubSpot's automation software

Capterra rating: 4.5

Trustpilot rating: 3.4

Price: Varying start rates depending on use

If you’re looking for a one stop shop in business process automation (BPA), HubSpot might just be your platform of choice. As one of the most well-known (although costly) options on this list, HubSpot’s wide range of automation tools – including marketing, sales and customer service – makes it a powerful CRM platform. 

HubSpot wears many hats, from email automation software, to marketing and outbound automation tool. You can create email marketing campaigns, set-up lead scoring, and even schedule social media posts all from within HubSpot, streamlining your marketing efforts. 

An all-in-one customer / sales / marketing automation platform doesn’t come cheap though. An enterprise marketing plan will set you back £3000 a month, so be prepared to part with your pennies. 

6. Dripify

Screenshot of Dripify's automation software

Capterra rating: 4.1

Trustpilot rating: 4.0

Price: Basic plan starts at $39 per user, per month

Searching for the best outbound automation tool? Dripify is a cloud based LinkedIn automation platform designed to help your sales team improve LinkedIn prospecting and close more deals. 

The great thing about Dripify is it does all of this on autopilot so works even if your laptop or PC is switched off. Simply build your own automated sales funnel and let the software do the rest! You can then evaluate the performance of your Dripify campaigns in your detailed LinkedIn report.

If you want to reduce time spent on manual sales processes, Dripify could be the solution for you. A basic plan allowing you only 1 Drip campaign will cost you $39 per user, per month. Their most popular Pro plan costs $59 per user, per month and their Advanced plan, $79. 

What Automation Software Should You Choose?

Whilst there are many exceptional automation software on the market, when it comes to choosing what’s right for your business, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each platform has its strengths – HubSpot for an all-in-one CRM system, Clickup for visually pleasing task management, and Signable for seamless electronic signing.

Signable is a leading eSignature solution, making sending and signing documents simple. Try us for free, today!

Content Marketing Specialist

Shauna is a Content Marketing Specialist. She creates a range of written pieces, from long form SEO articles, to social media posts. Graduating with a first class degree in English Literature, Shauna has over 5 years of experience writing quality content for B2B organisations. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her curled up with a book, or exploring the countryside with her cocker spaniel, Ziggy.