August Signable Product Updates

August Signable Product Updates

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August updates & bug fixes

As you’ve probably seen if you’re an avid follower on our social media, you’ve seen we welcomed a few new team members recently. We have a brilliant growing team and this means more positive changes for you as we’re able to make more updates than ever before. 

Head to our Instagram to see who the newbies are!

Our development team have been hard at work tackling some of your bugs, as well as improving overall functionality for good! 

So, without further ado, let’s run through this month’s changes.

We’re changing our prices, but don’t worry…

You should have by now received our new pricing email to outline our pricing update that will be in action from the 1st of October. But, don’t fret, as we said, there’s huge changes coming to improve your service, more integrations, more features to help you do more with Signable. 

What are the new prices?

These are the new monthly plan costs:

Small Business: £21 + VAT

Medium Business: £49 + VAT

Large Business: £119 + VAT

Corporate: £199 + VAT

And these are the new annual plan costs:

Small Business: £210 + VAT

Medium Business: £490 + VAT

Large Business: £1190 + VAT

Corporate: £1990 + VAT

Bugs fixed

Field title bug

A bug with field titles being removed when a field is made non-required has been solved. Meaning your fields can now be made non-required and your titles will remain. 

A field title is really helpful for your signing parties, as they’ll be able to tell what information they should input into each field. If you’ve not given field titles a go, try them out by clicking ‘title’ in the field customisation bar. 

It’ll change your world, we promise! 

Widget redirects bug

A bug involving widget redirects not working if a protocol wasn’t included in the URL, e.g. http:// or https://. This has now been fixed and all widget redirects should be operational.

Adding a redirect to your widgets allows you to send your signees to a certain website once they have completed your contract or document. Meaning you can streamline their journey and either put them back where they started or to anther useful page.

If you’d like to see this month’s improvements yourself, head to your account