Electronic Signature Security | Are Electronic Signatures Safe?

Electronic Signature Security
Businesses bind agreements through electronic signatures every day. This can range from entering your PIN number to clicking “OK” in an app, even emails have been used as legally binding agreements. Because showing commitment digitally is a lot more secure than the time-honored tradition of signing paper. Using this solution means that not only is all activity with your document kept trackable but also ensures its content is kept tamper-proof.
But how are electronic signatures safe?
We do like to show that e-signatures are secure, but we don’t always explain how. So let’s just take a seat and go through a few things.
Electronic signatures are designed to create a unique fingerprint showing the authenticity of a signed document. Making digital signature software no different to signing with a pen the old-fashioned way. Except, of course, being much more secure.
The processes involved with signing documents online identify the signer and the document to then stores the sealed document in a secure place. Any attempts to tamper with the signature are visible.
All of your interactions are 100% encrypted which stops any outside parties from snooping data you’re sending, making sure rigorous checks are carried out at every stage of the signing process. Which ensures all details around the document stay the same throughout, meaning any change to the documents’ unique digital signature will immediately be flagged for inspection. Keeping business’ activity not only secure from a legal standpoint but also secure for storage purposes. Keeping your details and files in a highly restrictive, access limited database. Plus, your password will never be stored anywhere as plain text. Because that would be ridiculous.
See everything from your signers
That does sound ominous and very Orwellian. But for you guys, it’s a huge plus. Your signer’s interaction with your contract is documented throughout the entire deal. Tracking when and how many times the document is accessed, logging the signer’s IP address. Once signed off all this information is displayed as an audit trail below the completed document. And is emailed to all parties as a PDF. Which has been used successfully in court, proving the authenticity of a document signed using e-signatures.
And aside from keeping data super safe, you’ll be able to cut costs around postage and printing. So it really is a win win. But I guess you could say we’re biased.