Supporting Bowel Cancer UK – How can you help?

We’re big on supporting here at Signable. We’ve given to a few charities over the years, but we wanted to do something big for a charity we felt strongly about. So, our parent company, Domo, have chosen the Bowel Cancer UK charity as the first of our 2019 charities.
Why support a charity as a company?
With our team growing, we wanted to use our numbers to really start making a difference, not only to bowel cancer research, but the local community as well. Which is why over the course of the year (and years to come) we’ll be looking to get involved with other charities, both local and global.

To kick things off, a lot of the team have volunteered (been forced, in a nice way) to run the Bristol 10K in May. With thousands of runners taking part, and an idyllic course, it’s a great way to show our support. We’ve also got some team members who like to show off a bit, so we thought it would be a great way of channelling their competitive nature into helping others.
Bowel Cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer in the UK and affects 42,000 people in UK every year. 1 in 15 men and 1 in 18 women will be diagnosed with bowel cancer during their lifetime, with a total of around 268,000 people diagnosed to date. If diagnosed early, bowel cancer is treatable and even curable. Which makes it imperative that we work to ensure these treatments are made available to everyone!
How can you help?
So! How can you help? If you’re able to, we’d love for you to help us fight this cancer by giving a donation of any size to our Just Giving page. 100% of everything we raise will go straight to funding research and treatment of Bowel Cancer in the UK, so we appreciate anything you can give.

Failing that, get down to Bristol city centre on 5th May 2019 for the main event, and cheer on the team – some of them will really need it! Looking at you Chris…
If you want to know more about the Bowel Cancer UK charity, then have a look around here.