4 Tips to Make the Most of Business Events!

Business events, we all go to them, right? Whether you are hosting, participating or attending a business event we all have our reasons for going to them. Some of us go to promote our brands and products, others go to gain information and network. We all find them useful in some way, but how do you make the most of business events?
We have compiled some simple business event tips to help you be more prepared and not make them a waste of time.
Get yourself a game plan
You need to figure out if the event you wish to attend is for your benefit or your business. Many events are for educational purposes, to teach new skills and techniques to business minds. These often have a variety of speakers and talks to pass along a variety of business knowledge! Our marketing team often attends events like BrightonSEO and DigitalGaggle to gain new knowledge and get business savvy!
On the other hand, you could be a business that wishes to promote yourself and get your personal brand or product out there! These kinds of events often require a lot more planning and preparation in advance. You may wish to have an eye-catching promo stand at the event, or wish to do a talk of your own. All of these things require effort put into arrangement and branding, to make sure your business brand is clear.
So if you wish to get the most out of business events, make sure you get yourself a game plan!
Collaborate with others
Things are always better when done together and business events are no exception! Collaborating with others is a great way to make new partnerships and make things easier on yourself. By collaborating you gain the ability to share cross-promotional material with your partners. You’ve got their back, they’ve got yours, kind of deal!
Here at Signable, we’re doing just that! We have partnered up with TouchRight to attend PropTech2019 on the 14th of May. By collaborating alongside TouchRight, not only will we be sharing an event stand with them, but also help promote each other leading up to the event. We even got ourselves some cross business branding and merchandise made to stand out at the event!
Get yourself a business partner you can rely on and have the best impact as possible at events!
Gather all the information you need
We wouldn’t get by in this world without a little information! This fact stays the same regardless of the type of event you wish to attend.
If you are attending a speaker lead event be sure to bring a laptop or journal to jot down all that juicy information! You don’t want to miss out on any of the useful knowledge you could gain from those talks. Similarly, if you are going as a business to promote yourself try and gather some data! Every point of data or customer information could better your business both short and long term.
Don’t be shy, network!
The importance of networking at any event regardless of your attending purpose could not be stated more. Networking can help you build up that valuable list of contacts for both yourself and your business. You could talk to people who could become potential employees or even find a new business partner! You never know until you open your mouth and get conversing.
The opportunities presented at these events, give you a chance to meet new people with like-minded interests. These people can open up new doors or present you with new options and knowledge, giving you an outside perspective on what matters to you. So don’t be shy, get out there and mingle and be sure to take some business cards!
If you would like to stay informed and in touch with any events that Signable attends, be sure to stay up to date on our social media.
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