Sedgemoor District Council Electronic Signatures Case Study

Who is Sedgemoor District Council?
Sedgemoor District Council is a small, rural district council in Somerset. They have a very successful Housing Advice Team which helps tenants and landlords with housing issues in both the private and social housing sectors.
Their notable current projects include Local Pantry, signing of the EcoFlex Statement for the Climate as well as increased efforts towards Somerset’s 2030 goal to become carbon neutral.
Why did Sedgemoor need Electronic Signatures?
As with many sectors during 2020, the majority of their staff were working from home. Meaning signing contracts, signing off documentation and evidencing activity was increasingly difficult for local authorities.
With huge pressure from the public and the government, Sedgemoor District Council needed a solution fast. Their staff needed access to an online signature solution while working from home, so they opted for Signable.
As a UK-based company, Signable offered everything from fast, UK support, to EU, US and UK eSign legal compliance, as well as increased security for sensitive ‘consent to share’ forms.
Our Solution…
As Sedgemoor District Council deal with a large number of housing documents, they found they were far easier to manage and their processing time was greatly reduced.
“Signable has meant we use less paper, processes are faster and more streamlined.”
District Council Electronic Signatures – The Results for Sedgemoor
As an environment-conscious local council, the decrease in the use of paper and other supplies is a huge benefit to them and contributes to their goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
“A huge amount of paper and ink has been saved and therefore there are great environmental benefits.”
Overall Sedgemoor has found Signable has changed their way of doing business for the better.
How was our support?
Sedgemoor only experienced one issue when implementing Signable. All email notifications were received by one team member, but with a large team sending documents with Signable, this needed to be amended.
Our Customer Success Team were on hand to change this and the issue was solved swiftly.

“A quick call to Signable’s support desk and it was sorted in seconds with the notifications going to the author rather than the account holder.”