Making the right first impression & closing deals – Pumpkin & Signable

Who’s Pumpkin?
Since no one wants to toot their own horn (unless your in the brass section). We thought we’d team up with long time pals & customers Pumpkin Web Design Manchester, to show the value of giving the right first impression to your customers. So without further ado, take it away Pumpkin!
For digital agencies like us, creating the right impression with potential clients, and closing new business comes down to much more than a knockout website! We’ve spend the last decade working out how best to present ourselves online, approach new clients, deliver design processes, streamline support and generally manage client expectations, but we’re still finding new and innovative ways to speed up our workflow and impress our clients!
No pressure then?
Well actually it is, and we have found it essential to outline exactly what our clients should expect in working with us, who is responsible for what, what to do in case of the apocalypse – that type of thing. It led to great peace of mind when we drew up our first client agreements and started to mail them out for signing – but WOW, did it ever slow down the process of taking on a new client and getting the job done! Not to mention the time it took to amend the agreement should our client raise the issue of an address change or spelling mistake (we’re only human).
Tools to get the most out of that first impression
Today, we have many tools, services and solutions in our suppliers list that help us speed everything up enormously, whilst projecting the professional digital agency image that our clients have come to expect. Amongst our very favourites is Signable, which allows us to email our PDF agreements to our clients in seconds, and gives our clients a quick and easy way in which to enter into a legally binding agreement with us.
Awesome! We only wish we’d found Signable sooner.
To date we have had absolutely no issues with the Signable service, support, or cloud control panel, and we love the branded email with our logo and colours on that’s sent out to our new clients. Our clients are happy to sign digitally, and we think that the whole process oozes professionalism. Signable has certainly helped us to secure some impressive clients and we can highly recommend.
What we have to say
As Pumpkin have so effortlessly said, putting your best foot forward can mean lifetime loyalty from a customer. But starting off bad, say with a late contract, that’s ripped beyond repair when it does arrive, could spread the wrong opinion of your business. It’s the same as a poorly designed website, if you’re not showing the best you on that first impression, then it’s going to be hard to claw your way back.
For us designing our website, the user experience and ease of use was hugely important. When we rebranded back in March, we wanted to stand out, but for all the right reasons. So we designed a simple yet ‘Signable-esque’ home page that gives prospective customers an idea of who we are straight from the go, we’re human.
With the help of Pumpkin you can turn your first impression into a killer pitch, showcase your brand and nurture your customers throughout their journey.
Never underestimate how a customer feels when they interact with you, no one wants a dog eared contract or a poorly optimised website. Period.
That’s all from us for now, if you want to know more about how to crank your brand up a notch, take a look at Pumpkin’s services & our features. Pumpkin & Signable out! *mic drop*.