It’s Customer Service Week!

It’s customer service week! It’s no secret we like to take a very proactive approach when looking after our customers.
But seriously, we do shout about it a lot. And hopefully, you guys can see that, and don’t feel like this whenever you get in touch…
One way we try to show our investment is by sharing our expertise and experiences regularly. We’re constantly researching the best possible ways to improve our customer’s experiences, so we’ve built up a solid bank of knowledge and some strong opinions in this area. To us, it only makes sense to share what we know.
Like for example, with our (free) eBook; The Little Book of Success!

It’s the brainchild of our Head of Customer Success, Sue Farrance, and brings together discussion from a number of industry experts across a variety of businesses. The calibre of our contributors was incredibly strong, they really know their stuff when it came to customer success. And as it received such good feedback, we’ve decided to start on Little Book of Success no.2!
Whilst our first eBook was a collection of advice from leaders in the industry, our next will have a focus on onboarding. A crucial part of Customer Success and customer service week. So stay tuned for more info!
Until then, here’s a collection of our customer service contributions. Each are packed with actionable tips for you guys, so get stuck in!