Using Electronic Signatures Post UK Lockdown

Using Electronic Signatures post UK lockdown
The UK has recently come to the end of its national lockdown. Many will be keen to move back to normality, some will be more apprehensive about the ‘new normal’. But, for many businesses, the past year may well have helped open their eyes to the benefits of different technology or philosophies they previously not thought viable.
The Difference A Year Makes
Take remote working for example, whilst it would be disingenuous to suggest that this hasn’t been a growing trend over the past decade, since March 2020 businesses have had to adapt to the new normal of a workforce working at home and for many, it has been a positive experience.
Many are saying that remote working on a large scale is here to stay, with many benefits to it, similarly, many companies that would not have considered remote working in the past are looking at hybrid models of working from home combined with being in the office with research pointing to an increase in productivity across the workforce.
Tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams have made video conferencing easy (give or take an internet connection) and project management software such as Monday and Trello have kept productivity high. Companies would do well protecting and encouraging the people on their team to continue using the skills they’ve picked up during the pandemic.
Closer to home for Signable, we’ve seen e Signatures become more and more essential for organisations over the past year, keeping essential processes moving and allowing more and more to find out how easy to use they are.
For some, there may be a temptation to move back to pen and paper once the lockdown becomes a thing of the past, but for many, this would be a backwards step – akin to moving back to dial-up internet having experienced broadband for the first time!
With the easy-to-use Signable platform, businesses all over the world have been saving themselves untold time and money whilst keeping things going.
How Signable has helped
Signable electronic signatures have helped a variety of different organisations in different industries keep essential processes going during difficult times.
Access Nursing, a healthcare recruitment agency based in Ireland, has been able to move fast with filling nursing positions across the country. Providing swift, easy software to those on the front lines has been an honour.
Cooperative Travel has used e-signatures to communicate documentation and obtain customer agreements at a time when face-to-face signing wasn’t possible.
Providing a service many have found invaluable for making WFH livable, Limerick Self Storage has been able to adapt, get documents signed, and cut out a lot of unnecessary paperwork in the process.
In many ways, the global lockdown has simply helped to accelerate the inevitable, as more and more organisations move documents out of the physical and into the security of digital.
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The Future
For those that have not used e-signatures over the past year or so the message is clear, the future is uncertain and we must be ready for what it throws at us. Being prepared and moving document processes into the digital space will be essential for everyone.
Making the change from traditional processes is always a difficult decision, but the feedback for Signable from our customers often revolves around the ease of use of the platform with a strong sense of “why didn’t we use this sooner?!”