Value Your Employees | Let’s do #Beer Friday!

How often do you give feedback to your team members? Once a year at their performance review? Only when someone’s messed up? Behavioural psychology tells us that the best way to reinforce positive behaviour is to actively support it – sounds obvious right? Right.
But, did you know that there’s a magic ratio of praise for employee value? Loads of research has been carried out in this field. One study found that employees who were praised 6 times every time they received one piece of negative feedback, performed best, while those receiving 3 negative remarks for every positive one performed worst.
In fact, research has shown time and again that personal recognition matters more than money!
Whether you’re managing 10 or 10,000 people, the importance of employee value and making everyone feel excited to be a member of the company, can’t be overlooked.
Here’s 5 things you can start doing today, you’ll thank yourself later.
- Say thank you, often – In person, with a quick phone call, via email or a personal thank you note. Get into the habit of appreciating little and big contributions.
Publicly acknowledge a team member’s personal or professional achievement in front of the entire staff. Whether they’ve passed their driving test, got a promotion or simply went the extra mile, it’s worth making a big fuss about.
- Be flexible and accommodating, recognising that everyone has a life outside work – From shift plan changes to home working days or days off in lieu, make sure that you’re able to flex your employee work schedules to provide a solution that works for all.
- Use the About Us page on the company website as an opportunity to feature your team – Ask everyone to share a bit of personal information to show what makes them tick during the day and outside of work, and let your customers see into the heart of your organisation.
- Make a point of acknowledging a personal event in your employee’s life, however big or small – Whether they’ve just got engaged, been on holiday or lost a parent, it shows that you’re taking an interest in them as a person beyond the workplace. This is a big one for employee value.
- Provide opportunities for your staff to shine – From specific training and development programmes for career progression to allowing employee input in strategic company decision making, everyone will appreciate the chance to make a positive contribution.
- Treat your staff and make the office a fun place to be – Whether it’s Cake Wednesday or lunch-time Beer Friday, the occasional pizza delivery or a corporate day out, it’s important to foster a sense of community and bond as a team. – Let’s make ‘Beer Friday’ a thing!
Author Bio: Dakota Murphey is a Brighton-based tech geek, writer, and mum to two young scamps. With the tiny little bit of time that’s left after tending to said scamps and geekery, our Dakota is a bit of a film buff and loves a box set, a fine-dining experience, and the odd glass or five of vino.