Electronic signatures for Sales
Convert your leads to customers quicker with electronic signatures!
Timing is everything when it comes to closing your sales. And that’s where eSignatures can step in to speed things up.
Using eSignatures means you can reach any client, anywhere, anytime, meaning you can close contracts quicker, allowing you to focus on winning that next deal!
Wouldn’t it be easier if you could finalise contracts instantly? With eSigning, you can reach clients in a matter of minutes and cut down your turnaround time. Leaving you with more time to nurture leads and improving your customer relationships. Pretty great, right?
Concerned about legality and security of your client’s information? See our full legality guide here.
Sales use cases
- Service agreements
- Affiliate contracts
- Creative concepts
- Artwork sign off
Signable meets your requirements
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'eSignatures for Sales'
Why choose Signable?
Unique deal terms
Each sale means drafting a contract tailored to each client. This means including their unique price, dates and names. Amending these details for each template can get tedious, so our merge fields feature comes in handy! As these variables can all be added at the point of sending – saving you time and a headache!
Improve visibility
Signable’s dashboard shows which documents have been sent, along with their status. This means that at a glance, staff can see if a contract has been signed off or not. And if not, the audit trail will highlight when the signer has accessed the document and how many times.
Ease of account opening
Simplifying the account opening process for customers takes the workload off your employees. It also reduces the number of errors and removes the risk of loss of documents. Meaning team members can spend more time supporting and advising customers. Increasing your level of customer service.
Keep your work mobile
Many sales agents or account managers frequently find themselves out of the office, visiting potential and current customers. By storing all your documents in your Signable account, not only does this free space up in the office, but it also keeps info accessible wherever you are, at any time of day.
Timing is all important and when the potential investor wants to progress the process needs to be quick and easy. Using Signable has made this possible.
Case study
Smart Pension Case Study
Signable meets your requirements
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'eSignatures for Sales'
Join thousands of businesses who trust us to get their documents signed