Electronic signatures for Utilities
Stay reactive for enhanced sales and happy customers
The utilities sector is one that needs to be able to react quickly in order to lock in sales. By using eSignatures, companies are able to send prices for customers to accept and sign off instantly. And as time is money, not taking on solutions that cut out unnecessary processes can result in lost revenue.
Concerned about legality and security of your client’s information? See our full legality guide here.
Utilities use cases
- Letter of authority
- VAT Declaration
- Termination notice
- Change request forms
Signable meets your requirements
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'eSignatures for Utilities'
Why choose Signable?
Unique deal terms
Each sale means drafting a contract tailored to each client. This means including their unique price, dates and names. And amending these details for each template can get tedious. Our merge fields feature, however, means these variables can all be added at the point of sending – saving you time and a headache!
Improve visibility
Signable’s dashboard shows which documents have been sent along with their status. This means that at a glance, your team can see if a contract has been signed off or not. And if not, the audit trail will highlight when the signer has accessed the document and how many times.
Ease of account opening
Simplifying the account opening process for customers takes the workload off your employees. It also reduces the number of errors and removes the risk of loss of documents. Enabling staff to spend more time supporting and advising customers, increasing your level of customer service.
Reduce turnaround time!
eSignatures reduce turn around time massively – around 80% quicker on average. This means any documents that need signing from an operational perspective can be completed and returned the same day. Allowing you to turn your focus away from the admin side, and back to customer satisfaction.
This year we subscribed to Signable and were able to do away with postage, stationery, administrator’s time costs and make communications quicker and more accurate as the verbal transfer of information was minimised. All in all, we saved almost £5000 in time and materials, not bad for under £50!
Case study
Interstate Hotels Case Study
Signable meets your requirements
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'eSignatures for Utilities'
Join thousands of businesses who trust us to get their documents signed