Mapiac Marketing – Social Agency


Mapiac Marketing are an agency based in Belgium, providing social media solutions to companies in the fashion sector. Whilst their focus is on European fashion brands & outlets, Mapiac Marketing already have customers based internationally, and so needed an eSignature solution to contact them quickly and easily.
“Filing documents is a pain in the ass.”
Dries, Mapiac’s Founder wanted the business to spend more time attracting new clients and as little time as possible on admin tasks. Yet he found that getting contracts signed was a part of the business that was essential, yet tedious. However having had previous experience using electronic signatures whilst working at Deloitte, Dries decided to bring this solution to Mapiac to help with their troubles.
“Very simple; I hate to print & scan documents. Also, filing documents is a pain in the ass. The main goal of our business was to achieve minimal effort, administration-wise.”
After searching online and trialling the different option available, Mapiac found that Signable ticked every box, and later other features such as Copying Templates and Auto Reminders surfaced, sealing the deal.
At least 5 hours a week saved…
Since adopting digital documents, Mapiac Marketing are able to concentrate on selling their services and promoting the business instead of “administrative nonsense”. And since cutting out the hassle around chasing contracts, Mapiac Marketing are now going paperless wherever possible:
“Our costs are non-existent, our entire office (including accounting/invoicing) is paperless. This has a lot of benefits: we can work from wherever in the world and we have ALWAYS access to our files. Timewise it saves us at least 5 hours a week.”