How to make a Signature with Signable | Free eBook Guide

For the observant amongst you, or those of you who haven’t been hiding in a cave, blindfolded, with your hands over your ears. You may have seen that we’ve been working hard here at Signable on something for you all to help answer the question of how to make a signature using eSignatures.
Over the last few weeks we’ve been slowly and very subtly letting guys know too what we’re up to behind the scenes. We’re very excited because we know you are going to love it. Without further ado, let us reveal what all the fuss has been about. Are you sitting down?
Our e-book is now available to download for FREE! How do you get it? Get it here
What can you expect from the e-book?
– Introduction to electronic signatures (eSignatures)
– The benefits of using eSignatures explained
– Case studies from three business
– eSignatures topic discussion
– Basically, everything you need to know about how to make a signature using Signable, in one place
Download Signable’s new eBook for free
And finally, why not use some of the time you’ll save using electronic signatures to send us your feedback about the eBook? Drop us a line, or you can also get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.
If you’d just like to get a quick overview of our features see here.
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