October Product Blog

October, a fang-tastic month filled with tricks, treats and pumpkins galore!
In between pumpkin carving and fancy dress competitions, we’ve been busy this month attending events and planning out this year’s final quarter.
What’s more, on Wednesday 26th October, we’re set to deliver a spooktacular webinar discussing all things Signable Templates.
From setting up and editing templates, to sending envelopes, it’s set to be a (skele)ton of fun and not one to be missed!
With that in mind, let’s revisit everything we know about Templates and how they can benefit you.
What is a Template?
Whilst the word “template” is often used by people to describe their own documents that they have created in Microsoft Word, Excel etc., within the Signable app, a “Template” is a document that you can save your fields and parties on and re-use time and time again without needing to add all the information each time.
This feature is especially useful for documents which you haven’t addressed to anyone specifically, such as a basic form or generic policy.
What are the benefits of templates?
The most obvious benefit of using Templates is that they save you a considerable amount of time and reduce the legwork needed to send out a new document each time it’s needed.
Essentially it makes the sending process simpler, allowing you to spend your time in other areas and focus on the bigger picture. It also works to improve consistency within your documents so there’s no need to worry about ad-hoc field errors.
Creating and sending Templates:
Setting up your template couldn’t be easier! For detailed instructions on how to create and send templates, check out our step-by-step help guide.
NEW: Sharing Templates
Sharing is caring right? Well with our new Users & Teams feature, you can now share any template you send to either everyone, specific users or even whole teams.
When you come to send your template, simply select the relevant document then click “Next Step” to be taken to the “Add Parties” stage.
Here, you’ll be able to select “share with everyone” which, as the name suggests, enables all users on the account to see your template. If you’re on our medium plan and above, clicking the dropdown will also allow you to select individual users or even whole teams to specifically share the envelope with. Couldn’t be easier!
Learn more about Templates with our dedicated webinar

We know that live demos of features are helpful for many of our customers which is why our latest webinar will focus on all things Signable Templates.
The Webinar will take place on 26th October 2022 at 11am GMT.
Whether you’re a novice or a maestro, this webinar will be a good opportunity to learn how to create and edit templates within the Signable app, as well as discover best practices for sending envelopes and using the Replace Template feature.
Our live demo, led by Customer Success Lead Larry, will cover:
- Definition of a Template
- Creating a Template, including how to set up Pre-fillable Fields
- Editing a Template
- Sending an Envelope using a Template
- FAQs
There’s something in it for everyone – don’t miss the opportunity to become an expert using Signable Templates and speed up your Signing process!
Want to have your say?
If you’re a regular user of the Signable app, you’ll know that little changes go a long way in improving the day-to-day usability of the software.
That’s why our feature suggestion link is open to all and is something we truly value. Have an idea for improving the Signable experience? We want to hear from you!
Our Templates feature itself started as a feature suggestion, and look where we are now!
You can add your own suggestions here or simply vote for some of your favourite suggestions which have already been made. We can’t wait to hear from you!