OKRs – We’re taking Google’s new goals system, personally!

You may have heard of OKRs – the new goals system eeeeeveryone is using, from Google to the likes of Spotify, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Airbnb. But, what are they and do they work for us?
Let’s break it down, ‘OKRs’ stands for ‘objective key results’, so that’s two sections, the objective and then the results. Start off by pinning down what you actually want to do, say, Learn Choctaw (tribal native American language), so that’s your objective.
Then you nail down the steps you need to take that will contribute to your main goal, e.g. start a Choctaw language class, learn 20 essential sayings, etc. Then you measure what you’ve achieved by the deadline, rinse and repeat. You get the idea…
So most companies focus on what happens between the four walls of the office and leave it at that, but our wonderful CEO Olly, thought it would be great for us to have personal OKRs. We’re big on personal development that isn’t limited to behind a desk, so improving our lives outside work is a must.
Like the example above, it could be learn a language or skill, or do something you’ve always wanted to like a bungee jump. No work related stuff. So here’s what some of the Signabees are doing, maybe you’ll be inspired to give it a whirl!
Objective: Complete a Treehouse advanced Design course
Why did you want to achieve this?
I’ve always been passionate about creating visuals, which means my role at Signable as a digi designer is perfect! I was keen to learn professional techniques and have a qualification of some kind to prove I know my beans. I’m learning via Treehouse which despite some teething problems, is guiding me along the foundations of design very easily.
What do you want to do by the end of the quarter?
I think my aim by the end of the quarter is to have designed a new logo for an upcoming project (keep your eyes peeled for something new!)
Objective: Complete a Treehouse front end development course
Why did you want to achieve this?
I already have a reasonable understanding of front end code but a huge amount of this has been self taught. This was a perfect opportunity to develop my skills and learn how to do things properly!
What do you want to do by the end of the quarter?
I’d love to be able to design and build something cool which is applicable to Signable!
Objective: Complete courses in JavaScript and Photoshop
Why do you want to achieve this?
A couple of reasons really, I’m really keen to have a better understanding of coding and what makes websites tick. I’ve studied Web Design and Web Authoring previously and have spent a bit of spare time learning about HTML and CSS so JavaScript seemed like the natural next step. Long term I want to be able to use this to help create better webpages and possibly apps. Photoshop feels like a bit of a no brainer as whilst I’m confident in 99% of what I do marketing wise my skills at Photoshop let me down a bit, feels like the perfect chance to improve these.
What do you want to do by the end of the quarter?
With JavaScript I hope to be able to create really cool webpages and create some applications and maybe even a (very basic) game! With Photoshop I hope to be able to create some great artwork and images. I have some tentative plans for events and creative outlets that I feel will benefit from the ability to put together some good designs in Photoshop!
Objective: Complete Software Testing Qualification
Why do you want to achieve this?
I want to expand my own technical knowledge of how software works and what makes it “break”. I think this will help with my current role in helping solve customer queries and it will also be useful for any future plans to learn more about software development.
What do you want to do by the end of the quarter?
I’ve been working on this from around February of this year so this quarter’s goal is to get the exam booked in and passed!
Objective: Prepare and execute good Lucid trade show
Why did you want to achieve this?
I’ve been running a clothing line on the side for a whole year now and so far it’s gone pretty good! I’ve been able to sell my clothes in a shop in Bristol, but looking to push my brand to the next level, and release my next collection, so hopefully this will help.
What do you want to do by the end of the quarter?
I want to gain at least 5 concrete contacts from buyers or agents, get 1 pre-order for new collection and write blog post to market about Lucid attending and send invitations to local Bristol shops. I’ve already written the blog which you can see here!
Objective: Start learning the drums
Why did you want to achieve this?
I have always had an interest in the drums, I often annoy people around me by tapping or drumming along to anything so I think its time to put it into practice!
What do you want to do by the end of the quarter?
For me, having a deadline on something greatly increases the chance that I will accomplish it. By the end of the quarter I want to have done at least 10 lessons, either online or face to face. I think that will give me a decent start!
Objective: Start learning criminal law and social justice.
Why do you want to achieve this?
A previous goal of mine was to start volunteering and supporting women in need. Now i’m half way through my befriending placement with Womankind, I have been learning about the unfortunate things that happen to women who try to prosecute against sexual assault. But with my limited knowledge of the system and what rights victims are entitled to, i’m unable to offer any advice. Hopefully this will start to change that.
What do you want to do by the end of the quarter?
Have an understanding of what areas of law are relevant and where I need to focus further learning.
OKRs – It all comes back to organisation and tracking, which if nothing else, motivates you to work towards the goal, even if you don’t hit it. Value your employees if you’re a leader, and always put them in the driving seat. If you need to know more about how Google implements their OKRs look here.