Proptech Trends | Tech tips for property


Proptech Trends
Property has been experiencing a huge surge in the availability of tech tools, with PropTech gaining recognition worldwide. And with hundreds of tools available, it’s understandable that companies may feel overwhelmed with the choice, or unsure where to even start when it comes to implementing new systems. So here’s a look at 3 Proptech trends for 2017 that will be easy to implement in 2017 and will help you increase your efficiency
- VR for everyone!
Virtual reality (VR) is probably the most common type of tech that’s gaining popularity in property. It’s mainly used to market properties for buyers who want to view properties when in locations that are an impossible visit, e.g. abroad, or the other side of the country. Having VR tours of all properties on your website will mean all potential buyers/renters can to do this without leaving their house, or the country and agents are able to spend their time on other areas of their roles instead of having to travel to different properties. - Make it mobile friendly
Year on year mobile use keeps growing. This means the majority of your clients will be using a mobile device to search for your properties, and today having a mobile optimised site isn’t enough to keep them happy. Potential tenants or clients will want to access all property info at the touch of a button, whilst being able to immediately contact or register their information for viewings with ease. Keeping the process short and smooth, the amount of required questions to a minimum and this will mean return visits to your site in the future and positive referrals. - Paperless processes
We love it when people scrap the paper. Spending time hunting through piles paper for applications, mortgage broker info, references or guarantor forms slows down your response time in an age when most answers are a click away, and more importantly; are expected to be a click away. Eliminating paper not only updates your methods and reduces the amount of paper your company consumes. It also reduces the time and money spent managing admin whilst protecting documents from going missing, ensures your information is easily searchable and kept backed up in a centralised location. This can be achieved by adopting solutions such as electronic signatures for signing off documents and general document management. Or CRM systems that are designed specific to property needs….Oh yeah. And we’ve heard e-signatures help too.
So don’t waste your time with out of date processes, or systems that feel counterproductive. There’s tons of technology available to help update the smaller tasks. And when these take care of themselves you’ll be surprised how much time you start saving. Winning.