Signable September Updates

Let’s get into the Signable September Updates!
Signing page updates
Some much-needed development has gone into the way signers progress through completing a document. Meaning you’ll notice some small changes that make all the difference including.
- You will need to press ‘Enter’ and not ‘Tab’ to progress to the next field, meaning this is more intuitive and cohesive with other applications and tools you may use.
- When moving through the fields on a document all fields will be offered to the signer to fill out, not just ‘required fields’. Meaning that your clients/colleagues won’t miss any ‘Optional’ fields.
- Speaking of which, when a field is NOT required, a label reading ‘Optional’ will appear to show signers what they need to complete to fully sign-off the document.
- The field in which signers are completing will now be highlighted for easy visibility.
PAYG Changes
As PAYG customers will have noticed, direct debit payments aren’t the most efficient way to add credits to your account. So we’ve made the decision to move all PAYG users to card payments to allow a smoother process for adding new credits to your account.
All you’ll need to do is switch your default payment method to card payment. If you don’t already have a card added you will need to add one. You will be prompted to do this when you add credits from this point on.

This has allowed us to include a new feature that shows you a full preview of your invoice featuring an itemised breakdown of your bill, including tax and any vouchers.

This will also show in your invoice if you’re using a voucher code:

Annual plans Update
We’ve changed how your annual plan credits are distributed. So now you’ll get all your credits for the year at once! Meaning you can tailor your usage for those busier months, and those not so. You won’t be limited to a set number of envelopes per month and you’ll have full flexibility to use when you need.
If you find towards the end of the year you need more credits, you’re able to easily add more to your account whenever you need.